Lugisu Translation Services in Uganda

Lugisu translation services in Uganda

Anza translation services provides Lugisu translation services in Uganda.

We offer Lugisu translation services in different fields like Law, Medical, Business, Finance, Banking, Agriculture, Tourism, Education, Land Agreements among others.

Our agency always strives to satisfy its clients through providing quality Lugisu translation Services in Uganda.

We do this by using native trained Lugisu speaking translators with huge experience in Lugisu translation to handle our clients’ assignments.

Our team of translators also does thorough editing and proofreading to eliminate mistakes in the translated documents. This makes our work to be as accurate as possible.

We offer accurate Lugisu translations services that are specific to the language combination, context and brief.

Some brief about Lugisu/Lumasaba Language

This language is mainly spoken by Bantu people called the Bagisu in the eastern part of Uganda in Africa.

Lugisu is one of the most spoken languages in Uganda with over two million speakers.

Some of the areas where Lugisu is largely spoken include Mbale, Manafwa, Sironko, Budunda and Bulambuli districts in Eastern Uganda among others.

English to Lugisu/Lumasaba translation services in Uganda

Anza translation services  provides translation of all kinds of documents ranging from Academic documents, Research papers, Land Agreements, Bank documents, Immigration documents, Legal Documents or any other filed done by our trained professional translators from English to Lugisu and vice versa.

Confidentiality and timely delivery

We ensure Confidentiality in whatever we do and as a sign of our commitment to ensuring confidentiality.

Our company values time management when handling our clients’ assignments. We ensure that we meet the client’s set deadline.

With Anza Translation services you will never get issues of work delay.

Besides Lugisu, we also support other Ugandan languages like Luganda, Lusoga, Ateso, Lunyole, Dinka, Runyakole, Rukiga, Rutooro, Karimojong, Madi, Rufumbira and japadhola among others.

Furthermore, we also support foreign languages like Portuguese, French, Spanish, Chinese and Arabic among others.

In addition to translation, we also offer interpretation, audio and video transcription and editing and proofreading.

Furthermore, we also possess the interpretation equipment that facilitates simultaneous interpretation.

Lastly, Are quality and professional Lugisu Translation services in Uganda? email us at for a quick free quote.

Furthermore, you can call us on +256784557732