
Our clients

Anza Translation Services has provided professional Interpretation, Transcription and Translation services to several reputable Organizations and Agencies across the world. Some of our clients include;

  • United Nations Agencies
  • African Union
  • Non-Governmental Organizations
  • Private Institutions
  • Private Individuals
  • The Government of Uganda


Some of the Conferences, Depositions and meetings we have facilitated

English, French Simultaneous Interpretation during the backstopping workshop with the regional technical committee from 13th-17th November 2023 for Enabel (Belgium Development Agency) held at Golf course Hotel in Kampala

Virtual Runyakore consecutive Interpretation Services held on 15/November 2023 from Accent on Languages

Deposition interpretation for English to Samia and vice versa from triple canopy held on zoom

Deposition Interpretation for Lusoga to English and vice versa from Triple Canopy held on Zoom

Among others.